[ใหม่] Save Price on INNOVA 3160B ABS/SRS+ Professional CanOBDII Diagnostic Code Scanner with Enhanced Live Data

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The Equus 3160 Innova ABS + Professional CanOBD2 Diagnostic Code Scanner is both the professional’s choice for a full-featured ABS and OBD2 scan tool and a great option for the do-it-yourself mechanic. It offers the same features and functions as the Equus 3150 model, but comes with the added bonus of a backlit blue screen and provides S.A.E. Enhanced Live Data, including views, graphs and playback of live PCM data streams.
Go-Jack Go-Jack 6200-Lb. C
Lisle 60660 Deluxe Relay T
Viair 40047 400P-RV Automa
Superwinch 1450200 S5000,
Robinair 15500 VacuMaster
Power Bright 1000-Watt Pur
Rugged Ridge 15100.01 8,50
Torin T32001 Foldable Engi
Mastercool 90066-A Vacuum
Sunex Tools Impact Sockets
Ingersoll Rand 2132G 1/2-I
Shop-Vac 9551600 6.5-Peak
HQRP 30W Flexible Solar Pa
Craftsman Impact Wrench Ki
Xantrex PROWatt 2000 Inver
Hitachi WR22SA 7.5 Amp 3/4
DEWALT DC823KA 18-Volt 3/8
OTC 6673 Universal Belt Te
Eco Solar Kit 200W: 2 Pcs
The Original Pink Box PB26
Goal Zero 39002 Silver/Bla
Fluke 289 True-RMS Stand A
Morningstar ProStar 30 Cha
Stanley Proto J5100 3/8-In
Ingersoll Rand 259 3/4-Inc
The BenchtopPRO Parts Wash
Hot Max MM-1 Mobile Max Po
BISSELL Garage Pro Wet/Dry
GearWrench 9602R 16 Piece
TIME-SERT Toyota Camry Rav
Drymate Garage Floor Mat
PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollabl
Ingersoll Rand 2115QTiMAX
Sri Pro 6356-10 Spot Repai
Ingersoll Rand 1105MAX-D2
CDI Torque 2503MFRMH 1/2-I
Midtronics MDXP300 MDX-300
Natural Light Energy Syste
Iwata (IWA93548700) LPH400
DeVilbiss 130525 QC3 3-Sta
Torklift A7505 Glow Step -
Eastwood Fender Lip Roller
Champion Power Equipment 4
Griot's Garage 10813LNGCRD
Progressive Dynamics PD464
Mastercool 98210-A Electro
Schumacher PSC-12500A DSR
Viair 45040 450C Air Compr
Grey Pneumatic 1719D 1/2"
LiteFuze LT Series 5000 Wa
Ingersoll-Rand (IRTW7150K2
Chicago Pneumatic CP7748 1
Hoover L2310 GUV 10 Amp 5-
Whistler Pro-2000W 2,000 W
4 Heavy Duty 24" RV Stabil
500w watt Solar Grid Tie P
11 Pc. 3/4" Dr. Truck Whee
With this feature, the user can prioritize live data values (P.I.D.) for quick review and analysis. Other exciting features and functions offered by the 3160 include bi-directional testing, vehicle I.D. capture and oxygen sensor results.
In addition the 3160 also provides Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) diagnostic functionality to troubleshoot problems with ABS solenoids, ABS pump motors, brake switches, control modules, speed sensors and more on most 1996 and newer GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles.
Smith Little Torch Solderi
Knipex (KNI002006S2) 3 Pc.
Milwaukee 2663-22 18-Volt
Meguiar's Professional Dua
Wiha 46099 Screwdriver Set
Vmaxtanks AGM 125ah for So
OTC 4534 Multipurpose Bear
Lincoln Lubrication AC2440
Tohnichi Adjustable Torque
Chiropractic Adjusting Too
Viair 35030 350C Air Compr
Torin T815005L 1.5 Ton Alu
SainSonic MPPT TRACER 3215
Superwinch 1130220 LT3000A
ACDelco MU1614 Fuel Pump
Yellow Jacket 49967 TITAN
Kidde 466403 Pro 2.5 Water
3.0 Single Stage Deep Vacu
Kawasaki 840223 Black 19.2
Ingersoll-Rand 2130 1/2-In
Astro Pneumatic 7897 Ball
PowerMax PM3-55-MBA Smart
Robinair 34288 Cool-Tech R
Cobra CPI 2575 2500 Watt 1
Torin TR4076 Roll Under Tr
Autel (MV208-5.5) Digital
H & S Autoshot 4550 Starte
Dual Pro 10 Amp/Bank Sport
DEWALT DCF889B Bare Tool 2
Stanley 94-374 123-Piece S
Black & Decker VEC026BD El
CyberPower RMCARD202 Remot
Dustless Technologies MU40
VacuMaid GV50 Wall Mounted
Robinair 15800 VacuMaster
Smith Little Torch 23-1001
Metro Vacuum OV-4BCSF Prof
Goal Zero 11004 Sherpa 50
Park Tool 3/8" Ratcheting
Windy Nation 100 Watt Sola
OTC 7215 Exhaust Back Pres
Whistler Pro-1600W 1,600 W
Mityvac MV6835 Vacuum Brak
Solar Attic Fan 20-watt wi
DEWALT DW290 1/2-Inch Heav
Robinair 15300 VacuMaster
Wagan 400-Watt Power Dome
McGard 65554BK Chrome/Blac
Whiteside (WHI2UP) 2 Up Ei
Titan Refinery Wrenches -
TEKTON 1962 Jumbo Combinat
Maxtra New Precision Varia
Progressive Dynamics PD926
BIKE PRO-Motorcycle Wheel
Superwinch 1695200 Talon 9
Sunex 2665 1/2-Inch Drive
Buyers Products Jack, 3,50
Xantrex Prowatt SW1000 100
Hot Max AFA-1 Air/Acetylen
Xantrex PROWatt 600 Invert
So, if your car has either a check engine or ABS light on, you don't have to reach into your toolbox for two tools, the 3160 will do both jobs. Combine this with the unit's Internet connectivity which makes for easy software updates and you have a powerful, professional grade multi-use diagnostic tool that you can count on for years to come.
DEWALT Bare-Tool DW059B 1/
Sunforce 11260 2500 Watt P
Pro Quality 3/4" Deep Impa
CDI Torque 752LDINSS 3/8-I
Goal Zero Extreme 350 Powe
Fluke 63 Handheld Infrared
Honeywell 527S-HON-106-BLK
Paintless Dent Remover Sys
Vacmaster VWM510 Wall Moun
Solar Joos Orange Portable
Black & Decker PPRH5B Prof
Goal Zero 12201 Nomad 27M