[ใหม่] Special Promotion Acer AZ1620-UR10P Desktop

668Last Week - Viewed 220
  • Special Promotion Acer AZ1620-UR10P Desktop รูปที่ 1

Acer AZ1620-UR10P Desktop - Black

  • Intel Pentium Processor 2.7GHz (3MB Cache)
  • 500GB 7200RPM Hard Drive
  • 20-Inch Screen, Intel HD
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit

Acer AZ1620-UR10P Apple 27-inch- iMacApple M9032LL/AAcer AM3450-UR30P Apple MB417LL/AAcer PT.SG9P2.003Acer PS.VAWP3.002Sony VPC-L212FX/BViewSonic VX2450WM-LEDViewSonic VX2453MH-LEDViewSonic VX2250WM-LEDAsus VH236HHP 2711xAsus VS248H-PHP 2011xViewSonic VA2231WM-LEDDell Dell UltraSharp U2412Apple MC914LL/AViewSonic VA2431WMHP 2511xAsus VS247H-PAsus VE278QAcer ET.BV3RP.D03ViewSonic VA2703Acer S201HL Asus VS228H-PAcer S231HL AOC e1649FwuHP 2311xDell Dell UltraSharp U3011Asus VE276QSamsung B2430HAsus VH238HSamsung P2770HDDell Dell UltraSharp U2711ViewSonic VX2753MH-LEDViewSonic VA1938WA-LEDAsus VH242HAsus VE248HApple MC007LL/ADell U2410Asus ML228HLG E2290V-SNAsus VW246HViewSonic VA2448M-LEDViewSonic VA2248M-LEDAsus VH232HLenovo ThinkVision LT14213M PF19.0WAcer ET.EV3WP.E03

Samsung B2230 22-Inch Widescreen LCD Monitor - Glossy Black

  • The MagicEco feature allows you to work at 100%, 75% or 50% brightness, to reduce energy usage.
  • Simple and elegant design featuring a rich, glossy black finish which is accentuated by the clear, crystal-like acrylic along the lower bezel.
  • 70,000:1 Dynamic contrast ratio creates deeper, more dramatic dark tones and brighter more striking light tones.
  • 16:9 widescreen offers clear, distortion-free images at 1920 x 1080 (1080p) resolution, providing a lot more space to have a lot more fun. Made for multimedia and optimized for HD content. 1 D-sub Input (15 pin), 1 VGA Input
  • Low power consumption technology reduces energy use and energy bills even further.

Samsung B2230Asus VG278HAsus VK278QAcer ET.CV3RP.D03Asus VH198TUltraSharp U3011 30-inch-Acer ET.CV3WP.E05 ViewSonic VP2365-LEDAsus VE228HAOC i2353PhAcer S211HL Acer ET.VG5HP.A013M Privacy FilterViewSonic VG2436WM-LEDSamsung P2770FHSamsung LS27A350HS/ZA3M PF15.6WAsus VS229H-PSamsung E1920XAOC 20-Inch LCDAsus VE258QAllsop 27021Asus PA246Q3M PF21.5WAsus VW193TRPX2230MW Touchscreen LCDAsus VE247HHP 2211xAsus VS238H-PViewsonic VX2336S -Hanns-G HZ281HPBViewSonic VA2231WMAcer H274HL BMID ViewSonic VX2253MH-LEDLG EW224TSamsung B2430HDViewSonic VG2428WMAcer ET.DG5HP.006